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Summer Rain and Sunsets in Todos Santos - VillaSanta

Summer Rain and Sunsets in Todos Santos

Summer Rain and Sunsets in Todos Santos

With barely any rain over the last three years, the Baja desert was dry, dusty and thirsty. The aquifers were low, the landscapes were brown and the sand was hot to the touch. But, the month of August changed all that by bringing glorious rainstorms to Todos Santos and Villa Santa Cruz, Boutique Hotel on the Beach.
Sunset- Rain Clouds - Resized for BlogSunset - Raindrops - Resized for Blog
Raindrops in the Pool.The rain fell in sheets for several days, washing dust off the agave at Villa Santa Cruz, greening up the desert brush and cooling down the earth. The air, cleaned by the rain, was amazingly pure and clear. The best part, without doubt, were the spectacular sunsets. Night after night, we were entertained by the vibrant colors that lit up the rain clouds. From orange and red streaks, to pink and purple hues, and even a few rainbows, these sunsets were some of the best ever.
Sunset- Rain Clouds - Resized for BlogSunset Rainbow - Resized (for blog)Sunset - Dad's Photo -ResizedSunset Rainbow - Resized (for blog)
As the summer season continues, we hope for more rain. I’d say it’s time for a little rain dance…