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History of Villa Santa Cruz - VillaSanta

History of Villa Santa Cruz

History of Villa Santa Cruz

This is the story of how we came to be…

In 2001, Villa Santa Cruz founders Matt Canepa and John Brown, came down the Baja Peninsula on a surf trip and camped just north of Todos Santos and the famous La Pastora surf break. They knew immediately that the area was special and fell in love with the white sand beaches, ocean views and solitude of such a private beachfront spot. After discovering that the 45-acre property, known as Rancho Santa Cruz, was for sale they quickly decided to buy it. Over the next few years, they transformed the raw land into today’s Villa Santa Cruz, overseeing every aspect from conception to construction, and completed the estate in 2006.

Later that same year, Matt met his future wife, now Jessica Canepa, when she came to visit Villa Santa Cruz. Matt proposed one year later in the Villa’s ocean-side Palapa and in 2009 the couple was married on the roof terrace. After two years living together in the United States while Jessica pursued her law career, the couple decided it was time to make Todos Santos their full-time home and began converting the estate into a boutique hotel on the beach. Now, Villa Santa Cruz has opened its doors for all to experience the beautiful house, relaxing pool, secluded beach and gorgeous ocean views.