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Greening Up the Garden - VillaSanta

Greening Up the Garden

Greening Up the Garden

The Villa Santa Cruz garden has a new look this year. In the spirit of being “green,” we scoured the property and found all sorts of discarded building materials that we repurposed to create raised planting beds. You can see that old concrete blocks hold our zucchini plants, a spare tire contains our cabbage plants, and extra roof tiles surround the spinach and sunflower seedlings.
When you walk through the garden, you can brush up on your Spanish vocabulary – all the signs that name the vegetables and flowers are in English and Español. One day soon, we’ll be picking betabels (beets), zanahorias (carrots), and albahaca (basil), just to name a few.
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While we patiently wait for the seeds to grow and produce, we’ll be collecting new breakfast and lunch recipes that incorporate the fresh veggies into the meals served here at the Villa. If you have a favorite, please send it our way!